Five Tips to Choose an Archiving System Software

archiving system software

The fundamental concept of an archiving system software is to securely preserve data that is inactive or infrequently accessed, usually on a lower and less expensive level of storage. 

The archive may need to be immutable in particular circumstances so that data deposited there cannot be modified.

But as access is considered an issue, users want to be able to quickly locate and retrieve that material. 

Because of this, a shelf filled with stale backup tapes cannot be considered an archive. They cannot be searched, so retrieving them and finding what you need might take some time.

To build a proper archiving system, you need to look out for specific features that enable you to search and retrieve information instantly.

Archiving system software’s features

All or the majority of the following features should be offered by archive software and solutions:

  • Offering cloud storage.
  • Comply with all legal and regulatory obligations.
  • Offer affordable storage for the preservation of data.
  • Both organized and unstructured data centralized storage.
  • Automated data storage and retrieval.
  • Reporting and analytics feature on your documents.
  • Tamper-proof records are ensured through the chain of custody.
  • Metadata for discovery, classification, and search.
  • Creating a retention policy.

Tips when choosing document archiving software

 1. Don’t get a backup and an archive confused with each other, a backup is a copy of the data that is kept in case of an unexpected event such as an emergency, the loss of data, a breach in security, etc. 

On the other hand, an archiving system software is a store for data that is no longer actively being used and a method for keeping it for extended periods of time for regulatory and other purposes.

 2. Check with the company that handles your backups to see whether they provide archiving options. 

If this is the case, the synergy advantages should place them in the running for the top spot.

 3. Consider the expenses of archiving in comparison to the cost of storing everything on an expensive drive or SSD.

 4. Make sure the software can support metadata classification.

 5. Consider the features supporting the search and retrieval of content.

Choosing Fotopia as your archiving system software

Fotopia’s solutions can help you digitize and archive your paper documents. 

Now you can index, export, and archive documents on Office 365 quickly and easily from a variety of sources, including physical ones.

All of these components including the digitization of documents, emails, local files, cloud systems, and other similar items are combined in our archiving system software.

Additionally, it keeps Microsoft 365’s security measures while allowing you to edit documents and collaborate with colleagues directly in the cloud.