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Understanding Document Management vs. Document Control

Document Management
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Document Management. For some companies simply managing their documentation is enough to support their business goals. But others need to control their documents to achieve their quality objectives.  So, are you ‘just managing’, or do you need more document control in your life?

Document Management: Streamlining Your Information

Document management is all about organizing, storing, and retrieving documents within an organization. This process ensures that all files, whether digital or physical, are easily accessible to authorized personnel. Key aspects of document management include:

  • Centralized Storage: A unified repository where all documents are stored, making it simple to locate and access files.
  • Version Control: Monitoring changes to documents over time, allowing users to see revision history and restore previous versions if necessary.
  • Search and Retrieval: Advanced search capabilities enable quick and efficient retrieval of documents based on various criteria.
  • Security and Access Control: Ensuring that only authorized users can access, edit, or share documents, safeguarding sensitive information.
  • Annotations: Adding notes or comments to documents without altering the original content, facilitating collaboration and review processes.

Document management systems (DMS) handle a wide variety of document types, from contracts and invoices to emails and multimedia files. They streamline business operations by reducing the time spent searching for documents and minimizing the risk of information loss.

Document Control: Precision and Compliance

While document management focuses on the broader organization and accessibility of documents, document control is concerned with maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and compliance of critical documents. This is particularly important in regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, and manufacturing. Core elements of document control include:

  • Approval Workflows: Documents must go through a predefined approval process before being finalized, ensuring that all necessary checks are completed.
  • Audit Trails: Detailed records of who accessed or modified a document and when, supporting compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Controlled Access: Strict permissions are set to ensure that only authorized individuals can view or edit sensitive documents.
  • Standardization: Enforcing uniformity in document formats and templates to maintain consistency across the organization.
  • Periodic Reviews: Regularly scheduled reviews of documents to ensure they remain up-to-date and relevant.

Document control systems are essential for maintaining the integrity and reliability of documents that are crucial to business operations and regulatory compliance. They help prevent errors, ensure compliance with industry standards, and provide a clear trail of accountability.

Where Are You on the Information Management Maturity Pyramid?

A model for understanding your ability to control critical data and information is the ‘pyramid of information management maturity’. The nearer the top of the pyramid you are, the more proficient you are in information governance, quality management, and lifecycle management.

File Sharing vs. Document Control

At the most basic level, companies needing collaboration support can turn to file-sharing solutions like Dropbox or Google Drive. These tools emphasize storage and collaboration but offer limited version control, more akin to an ‘undo’ feature than true version control.

Recently, platforms like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, and Box have enhanced their offerings to include document management features such as version control workflows and digital signature integration. However, they still fall short of delivering the granular control throughout the document lifecycle necessary for an effective quality management system.

Is Document Management Right for You?

As organizations grow, the need for more robust document management solutions becomes evident. Tools like SharePoint offer repository-based management with version control, but often require extensive customization and suffer from poor user adoption.

Why SharePoint Often Falls Short

Many companies use and abandon SharePoint DMS projects due to:

  • Poor user adoption when the solution is imposed by IT without adequate buy-in.
  • Extensive customization needs, turning projects into IT challenges rather than business solutions.
  • Document duplication and inefficient structure due to its intranet origins.

What is Document Control?

Document control represents a higher maturity level above document management, adhering to standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. A robust document control system features:

  1. Workflows for Review and Approval: Ensuring a single master version of each document.
  2. Audit Trails: Comprehensive activity history for every document.
  3. Ease of Use and Installation: Quick setup encourages engagement and customization.
  4. Search and Discoverability: Efficient search capabilities to save time and prevent information loss.
  5. Unique Documents and Dynamic Categories: Avoiding document duplication by allowing documents to exist in multiple contexts.
  6. Comprehensive Indexing: Indexing all text elements, including metadata and text in images.
  7. Controlled Collaboration: Allowing external users access to specific documents without compromising security.


Document management and document control serve different but complementary purposes. While file-sharing solutions may suffice for basic needs, advancing to document management and ultimately document control is essential for meeting compliance requirements and ensuring efficient information handling.

For those ready to elevate their document strategies, Fotopia offers comprehensive solutions tailored to various industries, ensuring your organization can manage and control documents effectively. Explore our offerings and see how we can help you achieve greater operational efficiency and compliance.