Using SharePoint Document Management Solutions to Manage Your Data

SharePoint document management solutions

The rise of digital workplaces has contributed to an increase in the level of collaboration that exists within businesses today. 

As a direct consequence of this, there has been an increase in the need for information that is essential to corporate operations.

It also has documentation that needs to be intelligently organized and classified so that organizations can promptly obtain it, view it, make changes to it, and keep it as needed.

Creating an enterprise content management system that can manage the information and data in a sustainable manner is now a must for any business.

Additionally, it is necessary to modify and adapt to the business’s goals in an efficient manner, in a timely manner, and as seamlessly as possible.

Choosing SharePoint document management solutions is widely regarded as the most effective course of action for businesses in this predicament. 

At this point, Fotopia’s team will arrive to ensure a very seamless move.

What does document management software do?

Document management is the process of storing, managing, and tracking physical and electronic documents. 

This solution is frequently referred to as DMS, which stands for Document Management Systems.

SharePoint document management solutions

According to Gartner, Microsoft SharePoint is the no.1 tool worldwide for document management and enterprise content management.

Users are able to manage common document types with SharePoint’s office 365 subscription and document management system.

Such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, users are also able to create folders to save and manage documents within customer engagement apps.

SharePoint document management best practices

  • Utilize different sorts of content for superior meta-tagging.

Utilizing SharePoint’s Content-Type functionality as part of your document management strategy is a recommended best practice. 

You are able to set meta tags and dynamic properties in accordance with the document that you submit using this tool.

Instead of manually creating directories on network drives, you can tag documents by using data columns or meta tags.

  • Set an alert for a document library

Do you have the uneasy feeling that someone could be able to erase the file that you’ve submitted to SharePoint? 

You no longer need to be concerned because you can now receive notifications. 

Additionally, you have the ability to configure alarms at both the document and library levels. 

You have the option to receive notifications if the files in the library undergo modifications.

Or are removed by another user, even if you don’t have admin permissions, you can still set alerts.

  • Make your own views.

As you configure the meta tags, further views will become available. Make your own viewpoints and then share them with the public. 

With SharePoint document management solutions, you also have the option of using the feature to sort, filter, or organize the display; your, page’s space can be more effectively managed thanks to the views. 

If you have a lot of lists and libraries on your website, you might want to switch to the “simple” layout so that everything fits. 

The simplified view allows you to have fewer columns, each of which can still collect the necessary data.

  • The document check-in and versioning tools are fantastic; but, ask yourself if you truly require them. 

By using the check-out feature, it is possible to prevent two different people from mistakenly changing the same document at the same time. 

On the other hand, the feature for versioning the document allows you to restore older versions of the document. 

Why choose Fotopia Tech?

We make available to you the most cutting-edge capabilities to convert SharePoint into a fully sustainable document management system.

Our capture, indexing, and OCR are able to capture and classify content in a wide variety of formats, including scanned paper documents, electronic documents, and other digital formats.

In addition to this, Fotopia’s universal viewer, annotation, search and signature tools fulfill your team’s needs to find and manage information and create a collaborative culture on SharePoint document management solutions.